turning ideas into words.
Selfish Nature6/25/2013 Something we all have. Something we all deal with. Something that some try to get rid of, some ignore and some just don't worry about. This selfish nature keeps us from being able to serve others to the capacity that Jesus has asked us to. This selfish nature keeps us from being the people we need to be! This last week, during the kickoff of ‘Follow the ONE’ at Citipoint Church, Pastor Mike Acker said, “Christians do what Christ does.” This means that we need to continually be looking for ways to reach out to others the same way that Jesus reaches out to others. So how can we change? How can we work on our selfish nature? Serving. Learning to serve others as Jesus did. Being in a position where we’re humbled and where we’re not getting to be “king,” but having to put other’s needs first. Somewhere that we can realize how much Jesus has done for us - where we can see how small we really are and how much we need to depend on Him. For me, I get to serve with teenagers every week, and every week I realize how much Jesus loves everyone of them and how special each and every single one of them are. I get to see God working in their lives and I get to see how much He genuinely cares, through the stories of life change, the stories of mountains being moved and the stories of overcoming struggles. What is it for you? Maybe this would be serving with kids. Maybe teenagers. Maybe adults. Maybe writing a ‘thank-you letter’ or visiting the nursing home. Maybe it’s calling your parents or kids, just to talk. Whatever it is, try it. Find something that will help you to see how big He really is and how much He truly cares!
Necessity or Accessory?6/1/2013 Sunglasses... are they a necessity or are they an accessory? Some, myself include, would count them under then "necessity" category. They will protect your eyes and can be used for very practical reasons. Some would say sunglasses are definitely an accessory, and I would also be included in this... This is because sunglasses need to fit well. They need to fit your face, they need to fit your lifestyle, they need to fit your personality and they need to fit your budget... But sunglasses can fall into either category, depending on the use and priority you place on them. God is the same way. Depending on the priority we place on a relationship with him, that will determine the place He takes in our lives... So what is God for you? Is He an accessory or is He the necessity? It's a great question to ask ourselves... Sometimes the difficulty comes in the answer though. We all want to give the right answer 100% of the time. We always want to say, "God is the necessity in my life," but sometimes, it's not entirely accurate yet we do need to start with full honesty. Without being honest and without admitting to yourself what role God actually has in your life, it's going to be very difficult to change. So I'll give you my idea of what each could look like... ACCESSORY: I am a Christian when it's convenient. I love God when it's convenient. I live for God and put my trust in Him when it's convenient. I praise Him for the blessings and gifts that He gives me, but I get really upset when they aren't the gifts that I would've chosen. Sometimes I even forget that God was the one who blessed me and I decide that, "I've got life all together." Whenever I go through trials, it's easier to turn my back on Him and blame Him than it is to ask for help... until I've been hurt a few too many times, then I need Him to rescue me. NECESSITY: No matter what, I stand for God. I am with God when it's good and I am with God when it's bad. I don't care what trials I go through, but I know that God is bigger than any of the problems that I face. I place priority on prayer and building my relationship with Him and above all, He is my priority! I have a healthy fear of God and I'm constantly thriving to build an overwhelming love for Him. He is my God! He loves me and He cares about who I am! So what is God for you? Is got your accessory or is He your necessity? Take time this week to reflect on what your answer would be - and take time to build your relationship and form it to what you would like it to be. Jump into God's word, spend time reading the bible and spend time in prayer. Take time to listen for what God is saying to you so that you can be ready when He wants to tell you something. Make God more than an accent to your life, but invite Him to lead your life completely! Archives
February 2018
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